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Showing posts from November, 2017

Women's Healthcare & Women's Rights

Here's where Larry believes about Women and our Human Rights Women's Rights & Equality My mother showed me the strength of a woman by going to work everyday and supporting a home with 7 children. In addition, she taught me how to be resilient and to stand up for what I believed in; therefore, I will work for Women Rights. Rights such as: Women's Right to choose; birth control access; equal pay; workplaces free of sexual harassment and disparaging treatments. From the strength of my mother to the growth of my 2 daughters I want Woman's Rights to produce a generation of strong-willed and confident women.  Accessed, source:, November 25, 2017 9:00AM Women's Healthcare As a father of three young children, I would like to think I know the importance of Women's Healthcare because I went to every doctor's appointment, I asked every question, I checked to ensure the doctor shared in the same ideas about birth

Larry Pretlow: An Election to Win!

Progressive-Conservatism is not a bag thing.  Here comes Larry! Larry T. Pretlow II, files Declaration of Candidacy, on November 14, 2017 at the Maryland State Board of Elections Understanding a Delegate Larry Pretlow "I want voters to understand that a vote for me is a vote for YOU! Yes Team 13 is diverse in the ethnicity of our incumbents, But it is not diverse in the advocacy for all constituents." I sent Larry a message on his site and I got a promise for a response and eventually I got a response. This showed me that not only will he make a promise, he will also deliver on that promise. I also believe that someone in his team took time to make sure that whatever the response would be, it had to be wholesome. Larry lost an older brother to gun violence. But he didn't go off and become angry about guns. Instead, the position he takes, protects 2nd Amendment Rights while making sure that anyone charged/convicted of violent criminal offenses cann

CHANGE is Coming!

Call me the Team13Weaver,  I'm a resident that is growing upset with the hyped up but not really so-called progression of Columbia.  Violent Crimes and Burglaries, Heroine Addiction and Opioid Abuse is getting out of control every day. Shoplifting is out of control completely.  Change, Reform, Help - whatever you call it, happens at the State & Local Levels of Government.   I lived in Long Reach all of my life. As a millennial, I supported HILLARY and not BERNIE.  Why? Well...  Bernie was not a DEMOCRAT and he was not going to bring us free public universities and universal free healthcare. So I didn't take the bone like everyone else. I believed in a Hillary presidency because I figured she was the only candidate providing an accomplishable platform even with Republicans in control. Plus, Donald Trump would've showed us more of who he is, regardless win or lose.  We can argue that Hillary was deeply flawed but...look at America now. When I learned about a y